About Us

Welcome to The NucleoCoders Technology Pvt Ltd

Who Are We

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Our Mission

Our Mission comprises of meeting with our client needs in most relevant and realistic manner wherein we provide paramount services along with commitment to achieve that transaction of success.

What We Do

Our 6-D Process
At Nucleocoders, we deliver successful products by doing three things: being accountable for our projects, making our methods transparent, and building strong relationships with our clients.



We believe in investing time in sharpening the blade first so that the rest of the job is easy. We conduct an in-depth requirement analysis to understand the requirement of the client clearly.



Based on psychographics traced after understanding the users completely, we map a user-centric design in collaboration with the client.



We break down the whole project into achievable milestones and distinct deadlines and get it approved from the client. Once done, we proceed with building the product.



We offer custom integration services that ensure smooth integration of the product with your existing IT infrastructure. We adhere to the industry laid standards for quality control, testing, reportage, and security.



We offer the most fitting marketing strategy based on your product intended market. Our team ensures that our marketing solutions are optimized for market visibility and relevant for all the search engines.



We provide IT support services that assist you in continually review and refine your product to match the new opportunities.

We in Numbers

Satisfied Clients
Projects Completed
Accolades Earned
1 K+
Lines of Code

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